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Who Am I?


I am 17 years old and love to write.


I live for my three dogs, macaroni and cheese, musical theatre, flannel shirts, topography, summer camp, my iPhone, barbershop quartets, a good GPA, soccer, choral music, puns, journaling, autumn, Twitter, and typing 53 words per minute.

Where I'm From: A Poem

(January 23rd, 2014)


I am from plastic spatulas,

From Tazo tea bags and Scotch tape.

I am from the edge of the lake,

Mosquitoes swarming and lily pads growing,

It smelled like damp earth.

I am from the deciduous trees,

The black-eyed Susans that waved in the breeze

Loud and proud

And stood distinctly yellow against the dark autumn dirt.


I’m from Christmas Eve crab legs

And the bright blue eyes of Kurt and Randall.

I’m from the Farellas,

The stubborn mules and work horses.

From “Hurting people, hurt people,”

And “You’re responsible for your actions no matter how you feel."

I’m from a background that forced me to pray

To praying on my own every day.

I’m from Janesville, Wisconsin,

Northern Italy and Central Germany,

From homemade meatballs and potpourri.

I’m from my dad’s broken-in baseball gloves

And the questionable silence of my mother’s father.

I am from the raise-‘em-right parents

Who know once is all they’ve got.

The glossy snapshots taped to my wall remind me of where I’ve been

To help me recall who I am,

What I’ve done,

And where I’ve grown.


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